Diamond Dollar Store
The National Residence Hall Honorary is an organization that values active participation from its members. Therefore, we created an incentive that allows members to participate in various events, meetings, and service work and in return receive what we call Diamond Dollars. These dollars can be exchanged for swag at our virtual store which restocks and introduces new items every year. To the right is the current selection for this semester.
4″ Custom NRHH Round Drink Coaster
NRHH Logo Laptop Sticker
3/4″ Cotton NRHH Lanyard with Retractable Badge
Black Omni Outdoor Bluetooth Speaker with NRHH logo
Navy District The Concert Tee w/ NRHH logo
NRHH Tumbler
Blue and Black Gingham Blanket with NRHH logo
Heather Gray Threadfast Unisex Ultimate Fleece Jogger Pant with NRHH logo